With the financial market landscape fluctuating in the wake of Brexit and US elections, financial PR pros are in higher demand than ever from both independent financial firms and global PR networks. We work with some of the best talent within financial PR and investor relations in the UK and internationally, helping clients to communicate effectively to all of their financial audiences; investors, analysts, journalists, shareholders and customers.

Our Financial PR team is based in London, Europe’s most sophisticated financial PR market, with a team in Paris and Dubai supporting pan-European and global PR networks, making us highly adaptable to shifts in the market. We work with financial PR experts who have a deep understanding of financial markets as well as the ever-changing regulatory environment, providing the highest level of support to our clients.

Within financial PR recruitment, we work across media relations, investor relations, M&A, calendar work and corporate reputation. 

Our clients span the breadth of the corporate financial landscape, including leading PR agencies, private and retail banks, equity houses and insurance companies; as well as mid-cap and FTSE 100 businesses internationally.