The social media savvy of you can’t have failed to notice the latest online craze taking over your screens at the moment, in fact anybody with a phone or computer must also be wondering what this latest hashtag phenomenon is all about. The #100HappyDays challenge is a new international social media experiment set up to see who can share a specific moment of happiness for 100 days in a row.

The website for #100HappyDays explains that most people in the busy, fast and furious ‘real world’ just don’t have the time for happiness every day. In fact their statistic claims that 71% of people who tried to complete the challenge failed for that exact reason. Now I’m not sure if this is due to a lack of time to upload your happiness onto Twitter, Instagram or Facebook or a lack of time to actually find it, however if it is the latter that’s a pretty depressing statistic.

The theory behind the challenge is that by capturing and thinking about capturing the happy moments in your life more actively it will have a positive influence on your mood and how appreciative you are of the small day-to-day things that you may otherwise take for granted. Those who took part in the challenge claimed to feel more positive, optimistic and some even claimed to fall in love during the challenge. As if finding happiness wasn’t reason enough to take part, the lovely people behind #100HappyDays are offering challenge victors a free book produced from your 100 happy pictures – a token reminder of how great your life is. Now all I need to do is find a date when I have time to start the challenge, in the meantime here’s a few of my happy ideas for inspiration…  

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